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Oct. 1 2020
As many of you know, we switched to a robotic milking system last November. When we made the change, we had a pretty good idea of how things would go initially
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Sept. 30 2020
Death and destruction in its wake, nothing but dreams and love it takes. Nothing is spared, not a life not a care, fire is here and it is not fair
Sept. 24 2020
My late mother was a fabulous cook. Everyone raved about her meals, and especially all her desserts. Truth be told, she didn't learn to cook until she married my father and soon after had to feed a family...
Sept. 22 2020
A major role of the Animal Agriculture Alliance is monitoring animal rights activist organizations
Sept. 18 2020
One of my best friends told me she wanted the full farm experience, so I invited her to stay on our acreage and dive into farm life in abundant and not-so-glamorous ways
Sept. 17 2020
We have a Georgia public fishing area a mile from the farm. There they have an Environmental Education Center that does a phenomenal job teaching kids (and adults) about wetlands, wildlife, and the environment
Sept. 16 2020
A lot of people have asked me how I like home schooling my kids through this pandemic
Sept. 11 2020
Most of us have heard the popular statement that cows have best friends. While I’m not one to anthropomorphize, this is a fact that I have seen countless amounts of anecdotal evidence for
Sept. 10 2020
Dear K, Remember when you said you would never live on a dairy farm when you grew up? I'll end the suspense — you end up marrying a dairy farmer!
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Sept. 9 2020
I know you’ve heard it before: “‘So-and-so’ is a cow whisperer; they seem to know a cow is sick before the cow does!” If you’re the lucky recipient of such high praise,...
Sept. 3 2020
Nearly every year we have had severe heat stress within our dry cow group. This happened for the most part because they were used to living life
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Sept. 2 2020
California is on fire once again, and the conversation of prevention is still being swept under the rug. How in the world can you allow your state to go up in flames every year so dramatically
Aug. 31 2020
As you've probably seen, “Got Milk?” is back, and it has been showcased on national television outlets such as ESPN and on popular social media platforms, including TikTok
Aug. 28 2020
For the first time in many months, I’ve spent the last two weeks at home with my family. Normally, I am back at school by now, and aside from my normally abbreviated winter break, I don’t normally...
Aug. 24 2020
Each spring, Lakeshore Technical College holds a graduation banquet in northeast Wisconsin for its dairy students
Aug. 20 2020
Dellavale Farms is a century farm located in Pattersonville, N.Y. It is run by Terri Phillips and her husband, Tom Nelson, who are the fourth generation on the Phillips’ farm
Aug. 19 2020
Hello summer! It’s nice to know you’re still around . . . now please leave!
Aug. 11 2020
It was a typical afternoon for my childhood: I’d just gotten home from a volleyball practice, and I needed to feed the heifers
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Aug. 10 2020
American consumers and American dairy farmers love cheese, but we likely don’t often remember the by-product that comes from making that cheese
Aug. 7 2020
Three years and a lifetime ago, I was preparing to start my college journey. I was scared, though I didn’t admit it to my parents, family members, or even my friends